

Monday, December 2, 2013

22 and counting..

Well I haven't been here in a while..I knew that would likely happen. I have been busy with life in general and am flat out lazy. Time is seriously flying by!! I can't believe I am already 22 weeks! We have been busy with painting her room and buying plenty of baby stuff :) She already has a ton of clothes. We went ahead and bought the stroller & car seat along with her crib. I am in love! I can't wait to put her in them all :) She has been quite the jumping bean here recently. I felt her move for the first time on November 13 and about 2 weeks later Mikey felt her. It is the wildest feeling and I love it! She is still nameless. I have about a million people on me for this too. I don't know how people pick a name. It has been the hardest part of it all.

Thanksgiving came and went, sadly, it is one of my favorites. It just doesn't get any better than family & food. Christmas will be here soon and it is definitely my favorite holiday. I have always liked this time of year but in recent years I have been absolutely loving it. It really is just magical :) and let's not forget Black Friday. I did plenty of shopping and got lots of goodies.

I will share some pictures of what has been going on..

Fall at the Powell residence

Birmingham hairshow, they had a pirate themed dance party

 Gender reveal party decor

It's a GIRL!! :)

20 weeks

Jenny Lind crib :)

 Britax stroller & car seat

A baby fur vest, YES PLEASE! :D

My favorite tree yet I've done

Wall color
Florida Aqua by Benjamin Moore

Mikey working while I supervise :)

 I think Ted approves of the crib

 Watching daddy paint

Charlie :)

Jo needs a haircut!


Meg's baby sprinkle for Reece :)

 I took mom to see Vince Gill (she LOVES him) We had a blast!

I had so much fun tonight at ArtsyU with my work girls! I can't wait to go back

How far along? 22 weeks, 2 days
Total weight gain/loss: At my last appointment I had finally gained some..3 pounds!
Maternity clothes? No just living in leggings like every winter
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleeping well actually. I may wake up a time or two but nothing bad
Best moment this week: So much going on these days! Thanksgiving and feeling my girl move like crazy!
Miss Anything? A caramel coffee loaded with sugar and caffeine :)
Movement: Yes! She is a wild woman in there
Food cravings: Still nothing. I wish I had some chocolate right now, but that's the pre-pregnancy usual :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: I still sometimes get car sick but not often, I am FINALLY over the nausea!! 
Have you started to show yet: Nothing crazy but I am definitely sticking out there now
Gender prediction: GIRL 
Labor Signs: No, and I dread the day I have to say yes to this
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Finally naming this minion