

Monday, December 2, 2013

22 and counting..

Well I haven't been here in a while..I knew that would likely happen. I have been busy with life in general and am flat out lazy. Time is seriously flying by!! I can't believe I am already 22 weeks! We have been busy with painting her room and buying plenty of baby stuff :) She already has a ton of clothes. We went ahead and bought the stroller & car seat along with her crib. I am in love! I can't wait to put her in them all :) She has been quite the jumping bean here recently. I felt her move for the first time on November 13 and about 2 weeks later Mikey felt her. It is the wildest feeling and I love it! She is still nameless. I have about a million people on me for this too. I don't know how people pick a name. It has been the hardest part of it all.

Thanksgiving came and went, sadly, it is one of my favorites. It just doesn't get any better than family & food. Christmas will be here soon and it is definitely my favorite holiday. I have always liked this time of year but in recent years I have been absolutely loving it. It really is just magical :) and let's not forget Black Friday. I did plenty of shopping and got lots of goodies.

I will share some pictures of what has been going on..

Fall at the Powell residence

Birmingham hairshow, they had a pirate themed dance party

 Gender reveal party decor

It's a GIRL!! :)

20 weeks

Jenny Lind crib :)

 Britax stroller & car seat

A baby fur vest, YES PLEASE! :D

My favorite tree yet I've done

Wall color
Florida Aqua by Benjamin Moore

Mikey working while I supervise :)

 I think Ted approves of the crib

 Watching daddy paint

Charlie :)

Jo needs a haircut!


Meg's baby sprinkle for Reece :)

 I took mom to see Vince Gill (she LOVES him) We had a blast!

I had so much fun tonight at ArtsyU with my work girls! I can't wait to go back

How far along? 22 weeks, 2 days
Total weight gain/loss: At my last appointment I had finally gained some..3 pounds!
Maternity clothes? No just living in leggings like every winter
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleeping well actually. I may wake up a time or two but nothing bad
Best moment this week: So much going on these days! Thanksgiving and feeling my girl move like crazy!
Miss Anything? A caramel coffee loaded with sugar and caffeine :)
Movement: Yes! She is a wild woman in there
Food cravings: Still nothing. I wish I had some chocolate right now, but that's the pre-pregnancy usual :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: I still sometimes get car sick but not often, I am FINALLY over the nausea!! 
Have you started to show yet: Nothing crazy but I am definitely sticking out there now
Gender prediction: GIRL 
Labor Signs: No, and I dread the day I have to say yes to this
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Finally naming this minion

Sunday, October 13, 2013

15 weeks!

I can't believe I am already 15 weeks!! Time seems to be going by so quickly. Here's a little update on what's been going on in life..

I have not thrown up in 2 days and this is majorly major super awesome. I am crossing my fingers that it is gone! Volleyball season is almost over and with only 2 games left I am glad and sad to see it come to an end. Glad that I can focus more on cleaning up the house and getting ready for the baby (something we have still not done) but sad to leave this group of girls for a year. Work is good as always and things have been busy there..Mikey and I have been decorating outside for Halloween/Fall and I have been loving it. This is my favorite time of year and I am so ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas and all that comes along with it.

I am DYING to find out the gender of our babe and can't believe that we will finally know on Friday. We are planning a gender reveal shindig with our family and few friends and I can't wait to share all the details with y'all. My mom and I have gone a little over board and it has turned into some huge shabang but I couldn't be more excited. She loves to cook and I love to decorate so I think it'll turn out awesome :) Mikey is really hoping for a boy and I am not too picky so we shall see. Most of his family are saying boy too, since 4 of the 5 grand kids are girls. I am saying girl but that's mainly to aggravate Mikey ;)

We have been thinking about names and it is so hard! I mean, it will be their forever so it really makes it tough. We have a boy name picked out which means it'll likely be a girl since we aren't 100% on a girl name. A few stand out to us but we haven't decided just yet. I guess we will start thinking more seriously about that if need be on Friday.

I hope you all have enjoyed hearing about something other than me puking 24/7 and I will leave you with this..

How far along? 15 weeks today
Total weight gain/loss: not sure
Maternity clothes? nope
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: I love naps but haven't been sleeping well at night 
Best moment this week: not being sick! :)
Miss Anything? caramel coffee
Movement: still none, maybe soon though
Food cravings: nothing in particular
Anything making you queasy or sick: I have noticed that sometimes I get car sick 
Have you started to show yet: still no bump
Gender prediction: Mikey says boy, I say girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Gender reveal party!!

Monday, September 16, 2013

These days..

Well it hasn't been over a month since I've been here so I consider that pretty good..I intended to do a post every week or 2 but we all knew that was hopeless. I swear I'm not a total piece of crap, I've just turned into one recently :) I still have not taken 1 single picture, bought anything or cleaned out my spare room which will be the babes. I'll try to catch you up on life these days in a few paragraphs..

For those of you that know me well, know I'm a realist. I keep it real and will here too. I am a terrible pregnant person. I haven't cleaned, done laundry near as often as I should, moved off the couch/out of the bed or been even the slightest bit productive. Thank goodness for Mikey, he has always been amazing but he really has been awesome here recently and hasn't complained too much ;) He cooks dinner, cleans up inside the house and out, takes care of the dogs, goes and gets my medicine, crackers or whatever else it may be and manages to work full time and do all his own activities. I should thank him more often.

Most days I work, come home, eat, nap, eat, nap, watch Netflix, sleep. On off days I usually sleep late, eat, lay around, nap, eat, watch tv, hang out with friends, eat, sleep. Do you see a pattern here? I really put eat in there to many times, it should say snack. Food is gross to me and if I eat, I usually throw up. That seems to be getting better but still slightly lingering. I will feel great and then all of the sudden get sick and puke at 9pm. It's better than being sick all day, don't get me wrong, it's just bizarre.. I'm hoping that since I'm 11 weeks this will go away soon!! Everyone's suggestions for feeling better have been pretty similar, with only a few off the wall things. Mainly most people say Zofran. This stuff works 50% of the time for me and when it does, it's great.

After saying all that, life has been cruising along fairly decently otherwise. Work is good, it was so busy for a few weeks. Volleyball has started full swing and we are 4 games in. Between those 2 things and normal life I've been busy and it's nice to have things that force me to get off my butt and into the world. I cannot believe I am saying this but I couldn't tell you the last time I went shopping. This is seriously crazy if you know me! I told you I've been lousy.

We went to the doctor today which was exciting. Mikey has gotten to go with me both times and Monday mornings work best for him so that's when we do it. I told him today, no more Monday mornings, lol. I need my sleep on days I can sleep in extra late :) I felt good today so that was a plus. We got to see our babe and it actually looked like a baby, which I was beginning to wonder if he/she was still in there. I haven't really noticed my pants getting any tighter. They weighed me and I have lost 1 lb., which is fine. The heartbeat sounded great and he/she was even jumping around in there. It's so crazy to see the baby and know you're growing it, makes my heart smile :)

How far along? 11 weeks, 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: 1 lb down
Maternity clothes? Nope
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Still loving this stuff 
Best moment this week: Our docs appointment today
Miss Anything? Feeling 100%
Movement: Not yet
Food cravings: Pickles
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing in particular 
Have you started to show yet: Not really
Gender prediction: Mikey says boy, I say girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, just sleepy and quiet still
Looking forward to: Gender

Monday, August 26, 2013

In the beginning..

I didn't know what kind of pregnant person I'd be. I thought I would start a blog, take crafty pictures each week of pregnancy, continue to exercise and run, Google and research everything baby related, etc etc..

So far of that list making this blog is the only thing I've done. These days I find it hard to get out of bed and when I do, it's usually to go hang out in the bathroom to throw up or dry heave (gross, I know). Today I woke up for the first time in 2 weeks not feeling like I was going to hurl. As the day progressed the good ol' morning sickness (which is NOT just a morning thing) came back around. Tonight as I type I feel blah, which is better than it could be, but still not 100%. I'll just go back to how it all began and get you guys up to speed..

On Friday July 26, one month ago today, I got a positive pregnancy test. I ran into Mikey's office (he works from home) and said, "I think I AM pregnant." I say this because he knew I had been taking tests all week like the crazy person I am. He immediately grabs the test box and starts to read how accurate these tests are, lol. I start laughing and he is like I don't know..He couldn't believe it basically. I run to KMart to grab a test that reads 'pregnant, not pregnant' to satisfy him (and me) and to be sure that we are in fact going to have a baby. Long story short the test says 'pregnant' and I screamed. We just kind of starred at each other for a good 30 seconds and then hugged, kissed and giggled like a bunch of dorks.

I knew I wasn't going to be able to wait any longer to tell our families. I ran to Michael's and got stuff to make shadowboxes to give our parents. My moms birthday had just passed so I told her I was going to bring her a birthday present. We took her the 'gift' and of course she was overwhelmed with excitement. For those of you that knew my mother, know she is ready for a grandkid! Afterwards we headed to Mikey's mom's to just hang out and 'visit'. She was more skeptical of the present when we brought it in. She knew something was up. She immediately opened it and started crying. Couldn't speak crying..Both of our parents were overjoyed and that definitely made it seem more real. We soon called his sisters who just happened to be together along with our nieces and nephew and then my brothers who were like, oh cool. His sisters were super excited while my brothers were less theatrically excited. This is just my brothers and I wouldn't expect any other reply from them. Overall it was an awesome day and we even got their reactions on film..Not the best quality and I have no idea why they're sideways but still glad to have captured these moments :) Excuse my awkwardness as I was mentally freaking out..

Dad's reaction is just like I expected it..Confused because he can't hear a damn thing. After he figured out what all the fuss was about he joined in the madness. He is too funny :)

I will fast forward and summarize the next couple weeks for you because you're probably bored by now..We went on vacation Aug 6-11 and I couldn't even tell I was pregnant (at this point I was 5 weeks). I woke up earlier than usual and ate breakfast, which either of those things never happened until then. I felt fine and we had a great time. On our last day there I woke up and felt a little gross but not terrible. Of course I'd feel bad on the day we had to drive 7 hours home. 

The day I turned 6 weeks (Aug 12) the morning sickness visited and is outstaying it's welcome. I'm a complainer, poor Mikey already knew that :), but I have been surprisingly quiet throughout this. The girls at work think I've gone weird because I haven't had much to say. This is definitely unlike me but I just haven't felt well enough to chat. The past 2 weeks have drug on and work has been extremely busy. I'm glad for this but am glad also to see the end of the work day come. My bed has been my best friend along with Netflix. That's all we've done for a few weeks. We are on season 4 of Sons of Anarchy now (Jax Teller is my newest obsession) and we've been hanging around the house with friends.

We had our first doctors appointment on Aug 19 and that seemed to take forever to get here. We are seeing Dr. Brody and really like him. We got to see our little babe and hear his/her heartbeat. This was definitely my favorite part. I waited to tell Facebook world until after I knew all was good with the baby. We go back next month and I'm already counting down the days. Only this visit and then the next we find out (hopefully) if we'll be having a boy or a girl. Mikey is pulling for a boy so I am saying girl. We've already talked about names and are pretty set on them. I've been checking out Pinterest for nursery's and already have a few in mind. Maybe I'll blog about that next.

I'll wrap things up with this because I'm getting lengthy and I'm not proof reading this junk so let's just hope it all makes sense :)

How far along? 8 weeks, 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: I have no idea, I haven't even been on a scale
Maternity clothes? None yet but I have noticed my pants are getting a little snug
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I love this stuff. 
Best moment this week: My sweet customer bringing me my first box of diapers (228 to be exact) What a wonderful lady :)
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss Anything? Coke. I've been limiting myself to 1 or less a day but still miss drinking it whenever I please
Movement: Not yet
Food cravings: McDonald's fries (I could go for some right now actually)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Life, but other than that I'm good ;)
Have you started to show yet: A little bump so far - basically looks like I ate a few too many cupcakes, which is typically the case
Gender prediction: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I wouldn't say moody, just quiet but mostly happy
Looking forward to: Getting a bump that doesn't look like a beer gut & finding out the gender