

Monday, September 16, 2013

These days..

Well it hasn't been over a month since I've been here so I consider that pretty good..I intended to do a post every week or 2 but we all knew that was hopeless. I swear I'm not a total piece of crap, I've just turned into one recently :) I still have not taken 1 single picture, bought anything or cleaned out my spare room which will be the babes. I'll try to catch you up on life these days in a few paragraphs..

For those of you that know me well, know I'm a realist. I keep it real and will here too. I am a terrible pregnant person. I haven't cleaned, done laundry near as often as I should, moved off the couch/out of the bed or been even the slightest bit productive. Thank goodness for Mikey, he has always been amazing but he really has been awesome here recently and hasn't complained too much ;) He cooks dinner, cleans up inside the house and out, takes care of the dogs, goes and gets my medicine, crackers or whatever else it may be and manages to work full time and do all his own activities. I should thank him more often.

Most days I work, come home, eat, nap, eat, nap, watch Netflix, sleep. On off days I usually sleep late, eat, lay around, nap, eat, watch tv, hang out with friends, eat, sleep. Do you see a pattern here? I really put eat in there to many times, it should say snack. Food is gross to me and if I eat, I usually throw up. That seems to be getting better but still slightly lingering. I will feel great and then all of the sudden get sick and puke at 9pm. It's better than being sick all day, don't get me wrong, it's just bizarre.. I'm hoping that since I'm 11 weeks this will go away soon!! Everyone's suggestions for feeling better have been pretty similar, with only a few off the wall things. Mainly most people say Zofran. This stuff works 50% of the time for me and when it does, it's great.

After saying all that, life has been cruising along fairly decently otherwise. Work is good, it was so busy for a few weeks. Volleyball has started full swing and we are 4 games in. Between those 2 things and normal life I've been busy and it's nice to have things that force me to get off my butt and into the world. I cannot believe I am saying this but I couldn't tell you the last time I went shopping. This is seriously crazy if you know me! I told you I've been lousy.

We went to the doctor today which was exciting. Mikey has gotten to go with me both times and Monday mornings work best for him so that's when we do it. I told him today, no more Monday mornings, lol. I need my sleep on days I can sleep in extra late :) I felt good today so that was a plus. We got to see our babe and it actually looked like a baby, which I was beginning to wonder if he/she was still in there. I haven't really noticed my pants getting any tighter. They weighed me and I have lost 1 lb., which is fine. The heartbeat sounded great and he/she was even jumping around in there. It's so crazy to see the baby and know you're growing it, makes my heart smile :)

How far along? 11 weeks, 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: 1 lb down
Maternity clothes? Nope
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Still loving this stuff 
Best moment this week: Our docs appointment today
Miss Anything? Feeling 100%
Movement: Not yet
Food cravings: Pickles
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing in particular 
Have you started to show yet: Not really
Gender prediction: Mikey says boy, I say girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, just sleepy and quiet still
Looking forward to: Gender

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